Face Swap Maker

Face Swap Maker is a mobile app allowing users to seamlessly swap faces in photos and videos with just a few taps. Powerful artificial intelligence drives automatic facial recognition and detailed facial mapping to produce photo-realistic face swaps.

Key features and functions:

  • Import target photos/videos from camera roll or take new photos to face swap. App detects all faces automatically.

  • Access extensive library of celebrity, friend or cartoon faces to map onto the detected faces.

  • Advanced facial manipulation technology renders other faces onto the target faces considering skin tone, lighting, expressions.

  • Powerful editing tools refine face swaps like boundary blending, skin smoothing through easy slider adjustments.

  • Animate face swaps in custom videos, GIFs or face swap montages using the same AI rendering engine.

  • Share completed face swap creations via social platforms instantly. Save progress for further editing.

  • User-friendly interface ideal for quick face swaps or precision editing tools for sophisticated effects.

  • Explore community creations and face swap ideas. Seamlessly swap faces in your own media.

In summary, Face Swap Maker enables anyone to effortlessly swap facial identities in photos and videos through revolutionary AI facial mapping and editing features for creative, humorous and fun effects.